wjm wrote:
HI keith,
You wrote:-
Now I just have to conquer where to but the \relative c' statement so
that it applies to the entire voice.

This is how I would set it out.
Note the use of 'variables' to store the music and words and how they
are used in the 'score' block.
I think that this way of doing things makes life a little easier! :)
NB where the 'relative' statement is placed, and that all of the " ' "
are removed from the body of the music. :)

\version "2.16.0"

\include "gregorian.ly"

music = \relative c'
e e \[ d\melisma\flexa c\melismaEnd \] d e f d d \divisioMinima
d d f e c d f \augmentum e \divisioMaior

words = \lyricmode
O Christ who art the Light and Day, thou driv -- est dark -- some night
a -- way!

\score {
     \new VaticanaStaff
     \new VaticanaVoice = "Hymn40" { \music }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Hymn40" { \words }
  \layout {   }

Hope this helps
Hi Bill;

I have that all nice and saved away as a template in Frescobaldi as I will be using it frequetly. Thank you again for your patience and willingness to help.

ust as an aside, I don't know if you reply all as a matter of style or if I am new and unsure i I am subscribed to the list. I actually am subscribed through the gmane nntp feed and see all replies that way. Thank you or the courtesy of replying directly also.


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