2012/11/6 Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@googlemail.com>:
> 2012/11/6 Daniel Rosen <drose...@gmail.com>:
>> I've created an incipit for a piece I'm working on, but there's a minor 
>> issue with it. Here's the code.
>> %%% Example begins
>> \version "2.16.0"
>> disIncip = \markup {
>>   \score {
>>     {
>>       \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \right-column { Discantus [Tenor] }
>>       \override Staff.InstrumentName #'padding = #1
>>       \override Staff.InstrumentName #'self-alignment-X = #1
>>       \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural
>>       \clef "petrucci-c3"
>>       \time 2/2
>>       \key g \minor
>>       \hideNotes g'8    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   <-- This is the line at issue
>>     }
>>     \layout {
>>       indent = 0
>>     }
>>   }
>> }
>> \new ChoirStaff \with { \override SystemStartBracket #'collapse-height = #0 
>> } {
>>   \new Staff \with {
>>     instrumentName = \disIncip
>>     \override InstrumentName #'padding = #2
>>     \override InstrumentName #'self-alignment-X = #1
>>   } { c''1 }
>> }
>> \layout {
>>   indent = 5\cm
>> }
>> %%% Example ends
>> The line I've pointed out above is what I'm frustrated about. The hidden 
>> eighth note generates, as would be expected, an empty staff symbol where the 
>> note would be if it wasn't hidden. I'm trying to get that to go away so that 
>> the incipit resembles those at the beginning of this piece 
>> (http://www3.cpdl.org/wiki/images/3/37/TALL-SA1.pdf), but I can't figure out 
>> how. Commenting out the line entirely results in both the incipit and the 
>> instrument name ("Discantus [Tenor]") not showing up at all. Changing the 
>> hidden eighth note to a spacer rest (i.e. s8 instead of \hideNotes g'8) 
>> fixes the spacing issue, but it also results in the staff symbol stopping 
>> unexpectedly in the middle of the key signature, as in the attachment. How 
>> can I fix this?
>> DR
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> Hi Daniel,
> some trickery:
> adding a markup to the spacer-rest
> readjusting space after TimeSignature
> seems to do it.
> \version "2.16.0"
> disIncip = \markup {
>   \score { \new Staff
>     {
>       \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \right-column { Discantus [Tenor] }
>       \override Staff.InstrumentName #'padding = #1
>       \override Staff.InstrumentName #'self-alignment-X = #1
>       \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural
>       \clef "petrucci-c3"
>       \time 2/2
>       \key g \minor
>        \once \override Score.TimeSignature #'space-alist =
>          #'((staff-bar extra-space . 1.1)
>             (cue-clef extra-space . 0.5)
>             (ambitus extra-space . 1.0)
>             (right-edge extra-space . 0.5)
>             (first-note fixed-space . -1)) % <=====
>       s8^""  % <====
>     }
>     \layout {
>       indent = 0
>       line-width = 100
>     }
>   }
> }
> \new ChoirStaff \with { \override SystemStartBracket #'collapse-height = #0 } 
> {
>   \new Staff \with {
>     instrumentName = \disIncip
>     \override InstrumentName #'padding = #2
>     \override InstrumentName #'self-alignment-X = #1
>   } { c''1 }
> }
> \layout {
>   indent = 5\cm
> }
> HTH,
>   Harm

Hi again,

please delete
line-width = 100
in \layout of disIncip.
It's a hangover of some testing.


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