As wonderful as Mutopia is, it can't be the home of all open scores.
It would be good to have an aggregator-based approach rather than one
where everybody uses the same repo.

Personally, I use Github whenever I make a Lilypond score of a public
domain source. See:

I don't get much usage of the scores I post there, though. Even when I
do something blatantly wrong nobody corrects my errors.

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Urs Liska <> wrote:
> Am 09.11.2012 17:54, schrieb Wim van Dommelen:
>> Try IMSLP to start with. Tons of very interesting music available there.
>> Regards,
>> Wim.
> Yes, that's what I'd said also (if I understand you right that you are
> looking for score that can be recreated with LilyPond).
> The offer much that isn't really in the public domain, though.
> Best
> Urs
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