
Is there a mechanism for lyrics similar to \quoteDuring?  I naively tried

\version "2.16.0"
soprano = \relative c'' { a2 b4 c d e f g  }
alto    = \relative c'  { e4 f2 g4 a b c d  }
sopranoText = \lyricmode { one two three four five six seven eight }
altoText    = \lyricmode { en to tre fire fem seks syv otte }
\addQuote "qsoprano" { \soprano }
\addQuote "qalto" { \alto }
mixture = {
 \quoteDuring "qsoprano" { s1 }
 \quoteDuring "qalto"    { s1 }
\addQuote "tsoprano" { \sopranoText }
\addQuote "talto" { \altoText }
mixText = {
 \quoteDuring "tsoprano" { s1 }
 \quoteDuring "talto"    { s1 }
\score { <<
 \new Staff {
   \new Voice = "soprano" { \soprano }
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" { \sopranoText }
 \new Staff {
   \new Voice = "alto" { \alto }
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "alto" { \altoText }
 \new Staff {
   \new Voice = "mix" { \mixture }
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mix" { \mixText }

If the magic had gone my way, the bottom lyrics had read
one two three fire fem seks syv

I attach a scan of what I got instead.

My motivation is that I have a piece for six (human) voices all typed and ready but now need to rearrange it for five voices. I have successfully made extensive use of \quoteDuring for the notes. The lyrics consist of fa -- la -- lah's and ting -- e -- lings rather than real words, so they need to follow the part they came from, so a \quoteDuring mechanism would save me a lot of error prone copy-and-paste.


<<attachment: quoteDuring text.PNG>>

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