Thanks man..thats exactly what i was looking for..!

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Thomas Morley <> wrote:

> 2012/11/19 Stjepan Horvat <>:
> > hi guys..
> > is there a way to get extra spacing between lyrics (verses).
> > i would want to make extra space so a person could translate a text
> (verse)
> > by hand. i'm using the \addlyrics command.
> Hi Stjepan,
> how about
> \version "2.16.0"
> \layout {
>         \context {
>                 \Lyrics
>                 \override VerticalAxisGroup #'nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing =
>                        #'((basic-distance . 0)
>                           (minimum-distance . 5)  ;; <================
> more lower space
>                           (padding . 0.2)
>                           (stretchability . 0))
>         }
> }
> \relative c' {
>         \repeat unfold 20 { c4 d e f }
>         g1
> }
> \addlyrics {
>         \repeat unfold 20 { foo -- foo -- foo -- foo }
>         foo
> }
> \addlyrics {
>         \repeat unfold 20 { bar -- bar -- bar -- bar }
>         bar
> }
> \addlyrics {
>         \repeat unfold 20 { bla -- bla -- bla -- bla }
>         bla
> }
> Adjust minimum-distance to fit your needs.
> HTH,
>   Harm

*Nesmotren govori kao da mačem probada, a jezik je mudrih iscjeljenje.
Izreke 12:18*
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