David & David,

Thank you Both!

I'm using the one-param version, as in this score my X & Y offsets always match.
But on exec -- uh oh -- Scheme is yelling:

<string>:2:65: error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
       \once \override Glissando #(quote (bound-details left Y)) = #
   Unbound variable: offset

Hmm.  The invocation, BTW, was     \glissmove #1.3

Just in case, better tell you my LP Version is still 2.13.32.
If I must upgrade Right Now, well then ok, but I'd almost prefer a cyanide pill.


David Kastrup wrote:
PMA<peterarmstr...@aya.yale.edu>  writes:

Hi List.

I would like to alter this function...

glissmove = {
   \once \override Glissando #'(bound-details left Y) = #1.3
   \once \override Glissando #'(bound-details right Y) = #1.3

to accept its 1.3 or whatever as an input parameter instead.

I see docs on parameterizing Scheme functions, but not on
doing this in LilyPond directly -- LP's param handing syntax.
Have I overlooked something obvious?

It is not a function but a music constant.  To make a function, write

glissmove =
#(define-music-function (parser location offset) (number?)
     \once \override Glissando #'(bound-details left Y) = #offset
     \once \override Glissando #'(bound-details right Y) = #offset

Check the "Extending LilyPond Guide" for define-music-function.

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