2012/12/9 Xavier Noria <f...@hashref.com>:
> Hi,
> I am getting familiar with the docs, but can't yet figure this out by myself.
> I am transcribing a song in C, and would like the same document to
> include its transposition in E flat. The file structure I have come
> with so far is:
>     \version "2.16.1"
>     \include "english.ly"
>     melody = \relative c'' { ... }
>     \addlyrics { ... }
>     \bookpart {
>       \header {
>         title    = "title"
>         subtitle = "(Transcription in C)"
>         composer = "composer"
>         tagline  = "tagline"
>       }
>       \score {
>         { \melody }
>       }
>     }
>     \bookpart {
>       \header {
>         title    = "title"
>         subtitle = "(Transcription in E flat)"
>         composer = "composer"
>         tagline  = "tagline"
>       }
>       \score {
>         { \transpose ds c \melody } % "ds" because "ef" yields a weird key
>       }
>     }
> As you see some data repetition remains in the headers (title,
> composer, and tagline, subtitle differs).
> Questions:
> 1) The structure and variable usage are idiomatic?
> 2) Is there a clean way to factor those common header attributes out somehow?

Depends on what you want. For your example you could use:

    \version "2.16.1"

    \include "english.ly"

    melody = \relative c'' { \key c\major c1 }
    \addlyrics { word }

      \header {
        title    = "title"
        composer = "composer"
        tagline  = "tagline"

    \bookpart {
      \header {
        subtitle = "(Transcription in C)"

      \score {
        { \melody }

    \bookpart {
      \header {
        subtitle = "(Transcription in E flat)"

      \score {
        { \transpose c ef \melody }


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