Hello all,

I'm creating piano music for someone and the recipient reviewed the
score and asked for changes.  Despite my best efforts, I haven't been
able to make the requested changes without some help.   Can someone
help with the following changes:

(1) in a piano staff context, we'd like to increase the space between
the two staves comprising the piano staff.  I think I need to target
the staff-staff-spacing or the staffgroup-staff-spacing properties of
StaffGrouper.  I tried the following code but it had no effect:

  \new PianoStaff \with {
    staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 9) (minimum-distance .
7) (padding . 1) (stretchability . 50))
    staffgroup-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 10.5)
(minimum-distance . 8) (padding . 1) (stretchability . 50))


Note, these are the default settings as listed in the IR manual and
I've tried setting each in turn to 50.  None of the changes resulted
in extra space between the two staves.

(2) Here's a snippet of code that we'd like to amend to change
lilypond's default behaviour.  The result of this code is to place the
fingering below the fermata and above the staff.  I'd like to have the
fingering placed above fermata.  I've looked through the IR and
couldn't find the property(ies) to make the change.

 { \relative c' <e g c>1\fermata^2^3^5 }


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