On 16 déc. 2012, at 21:26, Marek Klein <ma...@gregoriana.sk> wrote:

> Hello,
> 2012/12/16 m...@mikesolomon.org <m...@mikesolomon.org>
> Let's say that on the interior of B I add a lot of new music but I don't have 
> lyrics yet.  It is fastidious to count how many notes I added and put skips, 
> so as a result, all the lyrics from C shift under B.  Is there a way to avoid 
> this by indicating somehow that lC is not supposed to begin until mC begins?
> this works for me:
> \version "2.17.6"
> mA = \relative c'' {
> g4( a) b c
> }
> mB = \relative c'' {
> g4( a) a c
> }
> mC = \relative c'' {
> c4( b) a g
> }
> lA = \lyricmode {
> A ly -- rics
> }
> lC = \lyricmode {
> C ly -- rics
> }
> \score { <<
> \new Staff { \new Voice = "mA" \mA \new Voice = "mB" \mC \new Voice = "mC" 
> \mC}
> \new Lyrics << \lyricsto "mA" { \lA } \lyricsto "mC" { \lC } >>
> >>
> \layout { }
> }
> Marek Klein
> http://gregoriana.sk

Brilliant!  Thanks!

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