On Mon, 17 Dec 2012 11:52:18 +0000
Gerard McConnell <gerine...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> A Microsoft security update prevents me from using Lilypond's
> OpenType Century Schoolbook L.

This baffles me, but as someone who hasn't used Windows much in the
last few years, I have no idea how to help you with this bit.

> I replaced the default fonts with the following from section 1.8.3 in
> the Notation Reference:
>     myStaffSize=#20
>     #(define fonts
>     (make-pango-font-tree "Times New Roman"
>                 "Nimbus Sans"
>                         "Luxi Mono"
>           ( / myStaffSize 20 )             ))
> Which is great.  However, if I remove myStaffSize=#20  and  ( /
> myStaffSize 20 )
> it gets the error message:
> C:/Documents and
> Settings/Dad/Desktop/musicPages/guitarTwinkle.ly:17:9: error: GUILE
> signaled an error for the expression beginning here #
>          (define fonts
> Is there a simple answer for why the extra lines allow it to work?

The myStaffSize variable is needed for determining font size
relationships and should be set to whatever your global staff size is
(default is 20). The ( / myStaffSize 20) divides myStaffSize by twenty
so that the text sizes are scaled properly with the staff size. 



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