Arle Lommel writes:

> I thought I was fairly clear about the specifics—“I find the stem here awfully
> short because it makes the flag on the eighth note run into the note
> heads”—but I guess not.

Yes, that's clear.

> But the inline images (yes) shown below should resolve any confusion
> on the point.

They help, but for me they don't.  I see the difference, and I note
your point about the flag touching the note head, but how can you
be so sure that the LilyPond output wrong?

The original image does not represent
quality engraving and cannot and should not be used as an example,
IMNSHO.  There are too many problems with it to take it as a standard.

Of course, your feeling that there is something wrovng with the LilyPond
output could still hold, but we'd need more and esp. better examples.

While you are free to change it in your own score, that's not even
recommended as long as we don't know what it should look like.

> The chord looks MUCH better to me


> and which is closer to the old engraving

...yes..., but this engraving, though possibly old, is not nice, or
does not look like any of the engravings we have been mimicking.

Greetings, Jan

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond
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