Here is a minimal (real) example of one measure that generates four warnings. 
As you can see the rests in the third voice are simply invoked as "r4" while 
the ones in the second voice are given explicit locations (which, again, I want 
to do in this case). (I realize the notation convention here is a bit strange, 
but the composer used these quasi-grace sorts of things to indicate his 
ornamentation, but he also gave them full musical time values and rests and so 

\version "2.16.1"

\parallelMusic #'(ossia ornaments righthand lefthand pedal) {
  s2. |
  \tiny \stemUp c''4\rest c8\rest^\pp \ottava #1 d'32[ a' d, a] \ottava #0 
c,8\rest d32[ a' d, a] |
  r4 r4 <d' fis>4 |
  s2. |
  s2. |

\score {
  \new StaffGroup
    \new PianoStaff
      \new Staff = "RH" {
        \clef treble
        \key d \major
        \time 3/4
          { \new Voice="ossiaVoice" \relative c' { \ossia } }
          { \new Voice="ornamentsVoice" \relative c' { \ornaments } }
          { \new Voice="rightVoice" \relative c' { \righthand } }
      \new Staff = "LH" {
        \set doubleSlurs = ##t
        \clef bass
        \key d \major
        \time 3/4
          { \new Voice = "leftVoice" \relative c { \lefthand } }
          \new Dynamics = "dynamicsVoice" { \pedal }

I've looked at the link you shared Trevor, but the application to this issue 
isn't necessarily obvious to me, other than that it makes me wonder if I need 
to change the order I declare my voices in or something.


On 2012 Dec 19, at 11:50 , "Trevor Daniels" <> wrote:

> <<
> { \new Voice="ossiaVoice" \relative c' { \ossia } }
> \\
> { \new Voice="ornamentsVoice" \relative c' { \ornaments } }
> \\
> { \new Voice="rightVoice" \relative c' { \set doubleSlurs = ##t \righthand } }
> This construct implicitly assigns the properties of \voiceOne, \voiceTwo etc
> in order to the several music expressions separated by \\.  These settings
> control the direction of stems, placement of rests, shifts to resolve 
> collisions,
> etc.  That is probably not what you want.  This is all explained in
> section 1.5.3 of the Notation Reference:
> The particular error message is probably related to the way
> you are positioning the rests in ornamentsVoice, but you don't
> say how you are doing that.
> Trevor

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