On 21 December 2012 09:03, m...@mikesolomon.org <m...@mikesolomon.org> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have two 16ish-hour flights this holiday season and I'll be filling them 
> with composition, Sudoku, and LilyPond programming.  So, this is the time to 
> send me:
> 1) Features you need implemented.
> 2) Bugs you need fixed.
> 3) Things you need reviewed.
> I'll get as many of them done as I can on the flight.

What a nice proposal!

Looking at the "most starred" open issues, one get the aforementioned
#665 "MusicXML backend", #34 "Grace synchronization", but also
interestingly as second most wanted #621 "Dynamics should avoid
cross-staff BarLines (e.g. GrandStaff, PianoStaff etc)".
Maybe this one is also worth a look during one of your two flights?

Personally I think finding a way to "improved << \\ >> polyphonic
shortcut notation" (issue #1316) would be really great as it really
confuse new (but not only) users, IMHO.


Please note that in addition to the requests made here, Mike did write
his proposal in French to the French users mailing list and got
6 feature requests, involving baroque and renaissance recorder
fingering charts (woodwind diagrams), old French style tablatures,
jazz chords, baroque oboe fingering.
I'll make sure these feature requests make their way to the tracker.

Thank you very much Mike.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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