Am 10.01.2013 09:03, schrieb Janek Warcho?:
(i cannot resist my lilypond addiction...)

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 12:09 AM, Urs Liska <> wrote:
But I probably won't touch [online tutorial] until I reformat it as a PDF 
version. There
had been some valuable comments on this list right after the first 'release'
of the tutorial - which still haven't been incorporated :-(
That's why git and github rock - someone could write the changes and
you'd just have to accept the pull request.
I strongly recommend using text input for such project (which is
really great BTW!), because text input make version control effective.
I understand that LaTeX might be scary for beginners.  Maybe simply
use formatted plain text? (something like markdown, for example).
If nobody comes up with a better suggestion or serious objections - or if nobody else just offers to maintain the project and wants to do it differently - I will do the following:

 * Host openLilyLib in the existing Github repository
   (I didn't intend to start with this already, so it will be kind of a
   stub for some time)
 * Maintain the library's documentation and the tutorials (starting
   with Antonio's proposed text on orchestral scores and hopefully with
   a conversion of my existing tutorial) as a set of LaTeX documents.
 * I think there is no real alternative to this because
     o LaTeX documents can be easily versioned with Git
     o We are talking about LilyPond, so we wouldn't want to expose
       anything less (e.g. a collection of inconsistently looking PDFs
       created from various applications)
 * These documents can then be rendered as individual files or as a
   compiled 'book'.
 * Contributors are encouraged to provide LaTeX sources too, but
     o markdown or even plain text files would work too
     o if we are talking about the contribution of complete tutorials,
       it is also appropriate to aid in converting from, say,
       reasonably structured OpenOffice or Word documents
     o As a last resort we can even incorporate PDF documents (e.g. in
       case someone stumbles over an existing PDF where the sources
       have been lost ...)
 * We have to decide upon platforms for a 'public frontend' to the
   project, a mailing list and optionally an issue tracker (although
   Github offers one)
   Current suggestions point to use Google services for these parts.



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