2013/1/13 Antonio Gervasoni <agervas...@gmail.com>:

> Again, copyrights are good (I'm an author so I am of course pro-copyrights),

Unless you are a boss of a greedy company that makes money by
intimidating people using copyright, you can be an author and be
against copyright, or at least question it. So this 'ofcourse' is not
so much ofcourse for me. As a free software lover and humble
contributor, I find copiright valuable as long as it protects my work
as being mine, but due credit is very different from
exclusive/infinite rights we are getting used to.

> but the law has been twisted in a way it should have never been.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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