
I found an article about music engraving* (in German):

It claims a rule for accidental placement and shows some examples of how
chord accidentals are ordered on page 17 (second staff). This
corresponds mostly to what LilyPond does, except the chord in the 5th
bar (marked with "Here"). LilyPond follows the rule, that the lowest and
highest accidentals are placed closest to the chord. But the arrangement
of noteheads makes the author of the article change the order of the
lower two accidentals, which is easier to read in my opinion, because
the distance between the d sharp and its accidental is reduced (this is
an exception from the rule, the author stated before).

Even though the author is probably not an authority like the often cited
Gould, I would be interested if that placement is correct (and perhaps
even to be considered for LilyPonds algorithm).


* On this website: http://pian-e-forte.de/texte/index.htm

The article describes good practices of music engraving and I compared
the rules mentioned there with the LilyPond output. Most of the rules
are covered by LilyPond automatically. I could send a summary of the
rules, a LilyPond user still has to care about, if anyone is interested.

<<attachment: accidentalsInChords.png>>

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