> I have a problem with the script extraxtMusic, which I have downloaded at  
> I get the error message 
>  mmR = {
>  R1*1000000 \tag #'mmWarning R1 } 
> And a message, that a barcheck has failed.
> Has someone an idea how to make it work?
Sorry to answer so late.
This message occurs when you try to cut a multimeasureRest using 
\extractMusic, in the middle of the measure.
For example
music = R1*5
\extractMusic \music s1 s4 
will produce an error because the result is R4, and R4 doesn't fill a whole 
measure (in 4/4) . It is not a limitation or a bug of \extractMusic but the 
behaviour of Lilypond with multimeasureRests
So you have to cut them always at a beginning of a measure then add rests 

> global =  {
>   \globalA
>   \globalB
> }

> HornB = \relative {
>   \extractMusic \mmR \upToMeasure #12 { \upToMeasure #15 s8*5 }
>   d4. e4
>   R8*5
> }

The error is probably here, but you don't give us the \global definition, and 
as \upToMeasure uses \global in his implementation, i cannot help you further.


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