On 11 February 2013 20:16, Florian Hollerweger <f...@mur.at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Any chance that the .ly source files for the examples at
>   http://lilypond.org/examples.html
> are available somewhere?
> I'd like to present them as part of a workshop that me and a friend
> hope to deliver at the Linux Audio Conference.
> The examples should become the teaser to kick off the workshop.
> However, including the PNGs in my LaTeX Beamer presentation obviously
> gives much worse results than lilypond-book, which I use for all
> other examples.
> This would somewhat defeat the purpose of convincing the workshop
> participants of Lilypond's superior typesetting quality :)


I think these are the files in
<your LilyPond installation repertory>/Documentation/ly-examples/
also available online (lilypond git repository):

Good luck for your workshop.  Maybe you could send a feedback after.
And if you release somehow your Beamer presentation I (and maybe others
too) would be interested in seeing what you include in it (and how it


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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