Hi Keith,

> The other thing people do is make a separate context, analogous to Dynamics, 
> usually called MarkLine.

Yes, I do this (ScoreMarks).

> As written it ignores time-signatures but you could probably figure out how 
> to have it acknowledge time signatures and align the first tempo properly 
> over the time signature.

That's the point-stencil hack, I believe.

> The other thing MetronomeMark does is move slightly left over a full-measure 
> rest, which the books say to do but some people don't like.  If these details 
> can be added, then maybe we should include MarkLine in LilyPond.

I agree that we should get MarkLine/ScoreMarks to do all the right things 
(there are still many it doesn't do), and include it as a standard context.

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