I want to write a cross-staff-stem and used the pattern from the snippet
repository. I managed to get the cross-staff at the second beat. But i
would like to have the stem down.
When I try to change the stem direction I am not able to set correct
duration. I think this breaks the cross-staff.
How do I get the stem down?
PS: how do I remove the bar at the two last accords?
% Each measure should produce the same picture.
\version "2.16.0"
global = { \key g \major \time 3/8 }
upper = \relative c'' {
<a fis>16[ <g e>] \autoBeamOff fis16 <e g,>16 <d fis,>8 |
<a' fis>16[ <g e>] \voiceTwo fis16 \oneVoice <e g,>16 <d fis,>8 |
<a' fis>16[ <g e>] \stemDown fis16 \stemNeutral <e g,>16 <d fis,>8
lower = \relative c' {
<d, d,>8 \crossStaff { \voiceOne <d a'>16 s \oneVoice } d8 |
<d d,>8 \crossStaff { \voiceTwo <d a'>16 s \oneVoice } d8 |
<d d,>8 \crossStaff { \stemDown <d a'>16 s \stemNeutral } d8 |
harpPart = \new PianoStaff \with { \consists #Span_stem_engraver }
\new Staff = "upper" \upper
\new Staff = "lower" { \clef bass \lower }
\score { \harpPart }
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