Am 26.02.2013 00:25, schrieb Adam Spiers:
> I just blogged about this:
Very well written, thanks!

> …  I think
> is absolutely fantastic, but some people's aversion to anything which
> looks at all technical seems unsurmountable to me (although I'd love
> to be proven wrong; … )
According to my experience, this just needs people talking and
explaining. I taught LilyPond to users who have never programmed and do
not use their keyboard much (used to GUI applications). They would never
read the docs in order to understand it. But after explaining LilyPond
for 30 min, they can use it and are actually excited that it works. And
they were particularly excited about the text format, when realizing
that this way, notes can be easily included it in other programs like
LibreOffice and how flexible this is.

So, to me it is a matter of personal contact. It is not convincing in
seconds like advertising works (at least not for average people). But it
is after some minutes of presentation.


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