Ok. one more question for the night then I'll be done with this for tonight as 
I want to at least get the 2 violin parts written  then work on viola, cello 
and bass tomorrow and sunday.

I will be having divici parts for the second violin parts. I know odd but there 
you go. I tried the text thing

Here  is what I'm trying to accomplish. Realize and I did not say this before 
that I read braille music so what I see is different from what the print people 
see. We have the text and dynamics before the notes like divisi and  unison and 
stuff. in parenthesis. but here is what I was going for.

<c e>4 <c e> <b! e>4."divisi" d8 c4"unis" |
 "divisi" <a c> <aes c> <g c>4. "unis" b8 a4 |

Am I making this harder then it really is? I want to try and finish the second 
violin part tonight if I have the head to do so lol! I read the manual on 
voicing but I don't think that was the right section as it did not seem like 
what I wanted.

Oh btw another question. I like to try and bass everything around  middle c, so 
what would be the relative of that would it be

c'' or c'?

I get a bit confused there but I will get this.

Thanks all.
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