Actually I took the score templet string quartet  and modified it to be the 
string score that I wanted violin 1, violin 2 and viola and cello and bass. so 
maybe I miscopied the templet or something to that effect.

Tc and be blessed.
On Mar 3, 2013, at 8:11 PM, wjm <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I've been tinkering with your piece and have produced the following, which 
> compiles with 0 errors but might not reflect what you actually intended... 
> however, I hope it is of some help.
> Some of your original error messages seemed to be as a result of '{' or '}' 
> in the wrong places... and timing errors due to not explicitly stating note 
> durations... Note also that Lilypond doesn't seem to like variable names 
> containing numbers ie violin1 isn't liked. NB also that variable names are 
> different from Instrument names! :)
> It might pay to re-read the Learning and Notation Manuals' section talking 
> about voices! :)
> Please do a close comparison with your original... :)
> I hope all this is of some use.
> Regards
> Bill
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> \version "2.16.0"
> \header
> { title = "score assignment 1" }
> global= {
>  \time 4/4
>  \key c \minor
> }
> violin =
> %\new Voice
> \relative c' {
>  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin 1 "
> g4 aes g8.( f16) ees4 |
> ees4 f ees8.( des16) c4 |
> d4 e! g8.( f16) ees4 |
> d4 g b8.( a16) g4\fermata |
> ees' ees d d |
> c d b8.( a16) g4 |
> c' aes g8.( f16) ees4 |
> ees f ees8.( d16) c4 |
> ees' ees d d |
> c d b8.( a16) g4 |
> c' aes g8.( f16) ees4 |
> ees f ees8.( d16) c8\fermata r8\fermata |
> c''1\fermata |
> }
> violinb =
> %\new Voice
> \relative c' {
>  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin 2 "
> % from measures 1-4 << { \voiceOne ees ees  ees8. d16 c4 |
> c4 des c8. bes16 c4 |
> b c c c |
> c c fis d |
> % from measures 1-4   \new Voice { \voiceTwo c c b8. d16 c4 |
> c des c8. bes16 aes4 |
> b c c c |
> c b d  d |
> g fis  g  g |
> g c  d c |
> <<
> { \voiceOne c des b c | }
> \new Voice { \voiceTwo aes aes g c | }
> >>
> \oneVoice
> {
> g fis  g  g |
> g c d c |
> }
> <<
> { \voiceOne c des b c8\fermata r8\fermata | g1\fermata | }
> \new Voice { \voiceTwo aes4 aes g c8\fermata r8\fermata | c1\fermata \bar"|" }
> >>
> }
> viola =
> \relative c' {
>  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Viola "
>  \clef alto
> c4 aes,  g  ees |
> ees f << { des c } \\ { ees  ees } >> |
> << { d  e  aes  g } \\ { f  g  aes  g } >>  |
> fis  g  c' b |
> % bridge first time
> r4 r r r |
> r4 r r r  |
> c4  aes  g g |
> ees f f ees |
> % bridge second time with ending
> %r4 r r r |
> %r4 r r r  |
> c4  aes  g g |
> ees f f ees8\fermata f8\fermata | <c, c'>1\fermata
>  \bar "|."
> }
> cello =
> \relative c' {
>  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Cello "
>  \clef bass
>  c4  f g <g c> |
> aes des  ees aes |
>  g c  f c |
> <a d>  g,  d  g|
> %b section first time through c' c'' b bes |
> a aes g f |
> ees  f b, c |
> aes des g c, |
> %bridge second time through with ending
> c' c'' b bes |
> a aes g f |
> ees  f b, c8\fermata r8\fermata |
> aes4 des g c, |<c' g>1\fermata
>  \bar "|."
> }
> bass =
> \relative c {
>  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bass "
>  \clef bass
>    c4  f g <g c> |
> aes des  ees aes |
>  g c  f c |
> <a d>  g,  d  g|
> %b section first time through c' c'' b bes |
> a aes g f |
> ees  f b, c |
> aes des g c, |
> %bridge second time through with ending
> c' c'' b bes |
> a aes g f |
> ees  f b, c8\fermata r8\fermata |
> aes4 des g c, |<c' g>1\fermata
>  \bar "|."
>  \bar "|."
> }
> \score
> {
> \new StaffGroup
> <<
> \new Staff = musica \violin
> \new Staff = musicb \violinb
> \new Staff = musicc \viola
> \new Staff = musicd \cello
> \new Staff = musice \bass
> >>
> }

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