On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 9:29 AM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Sarah k Alawami <marri...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Is there a way to have line numbers turned on in lily pond so I don't
>> have to count them?
> The error messages look like
> 03-01-2013.ly:27:0: error: syntax error, unexpected STRING
> which means file 03-01-2013.ly, line 27, column 0 (newer versions state
> column 1 instead), followed by two lines representing the problematic
> line split in the problematic place.

> Now how to get to line 27 of your file depends on the editor you are
> using.

Sarah was asking how to turn on 'line numbers' in the Lilypond default
editing app (for Mac OS-X), so she can more easily go to the specified
line. I have looked around (briefly), but clicking in the console log
does not jump to the error, nor can I turn on line numbers in that
editor via the GUI, nor does the GUI have a 'go to line' command.

So, Sarah's only option _for now_ is to use another editor. And
because she has trouble seeing, having a 'real' point-and-click GUI
does not help her at the moment. Mac OS-X's speech output is quite
good, but I can imagine her having a hard time.

Perhaps 'vi' could help you here, but you'd need to open a few
windows. Hum, perhaps vim's QuickFix window could be of help? Not

Sarah, you'd have to learn 'vim', but then you can compile _within_
the editor, and when you 'make' the source of the Lilypond source
you've typed, you can more easily jump from error to error. As was
already pointed out, you have to fix the first error first (because a
lot of consequential errors can follow the first). Please see
for further information. I'm not sure if the default 'vi' that sips on
Mac OS-X is 'vi' or 'vim', but I guess the latter...


Christ van Willegen
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