On 08.02.2013 03:07, Adam Spiers wrote:
Hi all,

I'm happy to announce the release of ly2video 0.4.1.

ly2video is a Python script which converts music represented by a GNU
LilyPond file into a video containing a horizontally scrolling music
staff which is synchronized with a MIDI-generated audio rendering of
the music.
I tried it on an opensuse 12.1 system:

knut@golem:~> sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly2video.py  -i parting.ly parting.avi
LilyPond was found.
FFmpeg was found.
TiMidity++ was found.
Version in parting.ly: 2.16.2
Generating PDF, PNG and MIDI files ...
GNU LilyPond 2.16.2
»/home/knut/ly2video.tmp/unconverted.ly« wird verarbeitet
Interpretation der Musik...[8][16][24][32][40]
Vorverarbeitung der grafischen Elemente...
Interpretation der Musik...
MIDI-Ausgabe nach »unconverted.midi«...
Zeilenumbrüche werden berechnet...
Zeilenumbrüche werden berechnet...
Layout nach »unconverted.preview.eps« ausgeben...
Konvertierung nach »./unconverted.preview.pdf«...
Konvertierung nach PNG...
Kompilation erfolgreich beendet
Generated PDF, PNG and MIDI files
Looking for staff lines in unconverted.preview.png
First staff line found at (8, 11)
Found 16 staff lines
Margins in mm: left=46 top=46 right=46 bottom=46
Margins in px: left=200 top=200 right=200 bottom=200
Wrote sanitised version of /home/knut/ly2video.tmp/unconverted.ly into 
Generating PDF, PNG and MIDI files ...
GNU LilyPond 2.16.2
»/home/knut/ly2video.tmp/sanitised.ly« wird verarbeitet
Interpretation der Musik...[8][16][24][32][40]
Vorverarbeitung der grafischen Elemente...
Interpretation der Musik...
MIDI-Ausgabe nach »sanitised.midi«...
Layout nach »sanitised.ps« ausgeben...
Konvertierung nach »./sanitised.pdf«...
Konvertierung nach PNG...
Kompilation erfolgreich beendet
Generated PDF, PNG and MIDI files
Width of /home/knut/ly2video.tmp/sanitised.png is 6939 pixels
MIDI resolution (ticks per beat) is 384
MIDI: Parsing MIDI file has ended.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly2video.py", line 1852, in <module>
    status = main()
  File "sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly2video.py", line 1811, in main
  File "sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly2video.py", line 683, in getNoteIndices
    grobPitchValue, grobPitchToken = lySrcLocation.getAbsolutePitch()
  File "sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly2video.py", line 148, in getAbsolutePitch
    return LySrc.get(self.filename).getAbsolutePitch(self)
  File "sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly2video.py", line 80, in get
    cls.cache[filename] = LySrc(filename)
  File "sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly2video.py", line 87, in __init__
  File "sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly2video.py", line 95, in initParser
    language, keyPitch = ly.tools.languageAndKey(document)
  File "/home/knut/sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly/tools.py", line 322, in 
    for token in tokens:
  File "/home/knut/sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly/tokenize.py", line 693, in tokens
    for token in super(LineColumnMixin, self).tokens(text, pos):
  File "/home/knut/sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly/tokenize.py", line 218, in tokens
    yield self.Unparsed(text[pos:m.start()], pos)
  File "/home/knut/sources/ly2video-0.4.1/ly/tokenize.py", line 296, in __new__
    obj = unicode.__new__(cls, value)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 0: ordinal 
not in range(128)

Any idea what could be broken?


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