Keith OHara <> writes:

> Nick Payne <nick.payne <at>> writes:
>>  have to fiddle with the value of halign each time to get 
>> the turn centred between the notes. Is there a more automated way of 
>> positioning the turn? 
> Parallel music.  Then I can think in terms of the timing of the turn, rather
> than the spacing.  Usually I need a hidden note in the parallel part to put
> the turn at the right height.
> \new Voice \relative c'' {
>   << f4. {s4 \once\hideNotes f8\turn\noBeam } >> g16-. a-. 

\once\hideNotes makes me a bit queasy here since it will affect all
notes at the same timestep.  Now in this case, there is no other note at
the same timestep.  If your version is recent enough to support it,
\single\hideNotes f8
should be preferable.

\hide f8 is even simpler but would probably just hide the notehead.

David Kastrup

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