Dear List,

In a choral piece I used cross-noteheads for places, where the singers are 
requested to make a noise (in this case a kissing-noise). I used

\once \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print 
\once \override NoteHead.text = \markup {
        \musicglyph #"noteheads.s2cross" 
} b4 d

as I found it in the documentation. For the PDF output, this works perfectly. 
Unfortunately die MIDI output gives me a "b". That is expected behavior, I 
suspect. My question is, wether anyone know a way to practically silence single 
notes from the MIDI-output. I would be content, if nothing could be heard 
instead of the b. I don't need another sound, or anything. Can someone point  
me to the place in the documentation or give me an idea of how to achieve this?

I use \version "2.17.13"

Thanks a lot!

best regards


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