On Wed, 2013-03-20 at 22:54 +0800, James Harkins wrote:
> I apologize for weighing in on the R shorthand thread by sending a new
> message. I read the digest and normally reply to messages by gmane.
> However, for some unknown reason, "R shorthand" seems to be missing
> entirely from gmane. It exists in the archives on lists.gnu.org.
> My opinion (as a somewhat-more-than-casual Lilypond user, and as a
> contributor to another music software package [SuperCollider]): Any
> change in syntax that will break prior usage should be considered
> very, very carefully to be sure the gains are worth it.

Sorry I missed this before. If it's broke, fix it. It's broke.


See page 3, at the bottom, for two, three, and 
four measure rests. (I'm obliged to cite and give
credit for the scans.} How can these be implemented
without R2, R3, and R4? I submit that the
present lilypond implementation is broken
already. Sort of. Partly.

There should be no problem detecting the
measure lengths. The argument that R2 for a
measure rest of two beats is
not logical does not hold however, IMO. It could
be and probably was intended to
be read as "Instead of r2 put a measure
rest." A way of indicating the number of
measures rested by a number in the score
should of course remain, but R2, R3, and
R4 should be implemented as shown on page 3.
Regards, daveA

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