Le 23/03/2013 18:13, Trevor Daniels disait :
Noeck wrote Saturday, March 23, 2013 5:55 PM

This is explained very concisely and without examples in the NR, see

I disagree. As an average user, I feel quite lost in this section
especially with the "two-dimensional" extents.

The Notation Reference is a _reference_ document.  It is intended to
remind users of information which they already understand.  Explanations
belong either in the Learning Manual, the Extensions Manual or the
Contributor's Guide.  We need to be quite strict about this, other the
NR will become far too long.  The pdf version is already 800 pages
long and takes several minutes to download.  That is why we moved
material into the other manuals.

The CG is too far away from the normal user. I would only put the part
on scheme functions there.

I'm quite happy to see extensive links to the CG.  These will take you to the
appropriate section just as easily as if they are in the same manual.

I would add that the CG is not and should not get translated in other languages, if it really is considered as the reference guide for any CONTRIBUTOR to LilyPond (which might an average user not be). I would therefore place such material in "Extending" (why not in 2.9).

»An image tells you more than a thousand words« is a German saying which
applies very well to this section, IMHO. But I think that lacks at many
places in the docs: images. They are very text-centred and sometimes an
image would be much quicker to understand than pages of text. This
particularly applies to spacing and positioning issues.

That's because we have several blind users.  Images are useless for them.

I think that verbalizing "-> see image (1) in attached images.png" might help blind users to understand what does happen in an @example.

My 2 cts

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