On 03/04/13 06:24, Richard Shann wrote:
I've found that the line dividing the footnote from the music is rather close 
to the footnote text.
I can see I need to override this definition

footnote-separator-markup = \markup \fill-line { \override #'(span-factor . 
1/2) \draw-hline }

but I can't see what to add to provide more space under the line ... any 

Just use \vspace within the footnote markup. eg:

\version "2.17.15"

\relative f' {
  \footnote "*" #'(2 . -1) \markup\teeny { \column { \left-align { \line {
    \concat { \vspace #1 \lower #0.8 \super { * }
"At this point the performer may insert an improvisation in the form of a "
        \italic "Cadenza furiosa" } } \line { " " } } } } c4

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