Hej thank you for all your anwsers..

I realy like git too..Once i tried to make my own git server on my private
web-server so when i finish the work i can send the customer his pdf folder
link..but..that didnt work becouse you cant see actual files on git web
server..like you can on github..

> It's bit more complicated to set up, but wouldn't a good solution be to
have a
> separate repo for built files, and add a system that tracks when commits
> pushed to the source repo, and then automatically builds, and commits the
> to the build repo?  You could use the --author, --date etc. options to git
> commit to ensure the details match.

I would realy like to see this working..and if it would be possible to add
maybe a revision at the end of the pdf name..so if i have a mistake (and i
have) when i change it people watching the folder can see that this is one
new-er version..do you think that this is possible using only git or i
would have to use make too? Maybe it would be a good feature..and could it
be possible to make this binary repo surfable?! or evaen to upload using
some bash scripts..i wouldn't mine..:)

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling <
joseph.wakel...@webdrake.net> wrote:

> On 04/07/2013 09:23 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
> > Have you tried with LilyPond PDFs?  I think they tend to compress on the
> > object level which _might_ work reasonably with some of git's packing
> > techniques.
> No.  I did take a look inside them before writing my previous email -- they
> certainly have more multi-line, plain-text content than some other PDFs
> I've
> worked with, so they'd probably compress/diff better than some files I've
> worked
> with.
> Most of my experience here is with PDF/EPS files coming out of gnuplot,
> where
> the PDF output tends to have a large amount of what seems to be
> difficult-to-diff content, whereas the EPS files are almost entirely
> plain-text
> and so diff very nicely indeed.
> > Packing actual executables could possibly also work with reasonable
> > overhead.
> Never tried, I'm afraid. :-(
> > There would be an advantage to a repository storing _complete_ compiled
> > versions of LilyPond: it would make "git bisect" for the purpose of
> > finding a regression in code or documentation a snap.
> It's bit more complicated to set up, but wouldn't a good solution be to
> have a
> separate repo for built files, and add a system that tracks when commits
> are
> pushed to the source repo, and then automatically builds, and commits the
> output
> to the build repo?  You could use the --author, --date etc. options to git
> commit to ensure the details match.
> So, then you should have two mainline version histories that are
> absolutely in
> sync, allowing you to do the regression-tracking you're looking for but
> without
> blowing up the overall version history size for the source tree.
> But, bearing in mind that the on-disk size of the PDF docs is about 50MB
> (as
> reported by aptitude show lilypond-doc-pdf) and that of the HTML docs is
> about
> 90MB, then even allowing for some diffability of that material you'll be
> seeing
> a hefty cost to keeping those files versioned.
> I imagine that most of the disk-space cost of the HTML docs is actually
> PNG or
> other binary graphics files, which in my experience are the really nasty
> ones to
> version.
> On the other hand, some people apparently use git to version their home
> directory, so perhaps it doesn't scale quite as badly as I think ...
> http://entrenchant.blogspot.it/2011/03/using-git-to-synchronize-and-backup.html
> The other problem you can face with source and binaries versioned in the
> same
> tree is simply that sometimes people will make a tweak to a source file
> but not
> rebuild before committing.  And you can imagine the converse happening --
> someone making a tweak to source, rebuilding, finding it doesn't work so
> not
> committing the source, but accidentally committing the built file ...
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Izreke 12:18*
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