Yes, I tried this, too.  But it has two drawbacks:

(a) All the places where line breaks can occur must be indicated with \bar "". This is a bit annoying, but it could be tolerable.

(b) What is far less tolerable is that, if I understand things correctly, all the "natural" ligatures between the notes disappear and need to be indicated explicitly with "[" and "]" for example.

\autoBeamOn restores automatic beaming within the cadenza.

Thanks, but it does not work so well (or perhaps there is another parameter that needs to be set): with \cadenzaOn and \autoBeamOn, all successive eighth notes are linked with beams; in other words, the \time given has no effect. I tried to use, with \time 4/8, \set beatStructure = #'(2 2), to group eighth notes two by two, but it does not work.

Moreover, line breaks are not automatically inserted (albeit as I said above this could be tolerable).


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