on 2013-05-12 at 16:45 Sarah k Alawami wrote:

> Ok. can someone please go over the score and correct what I missed? 

I found many errors when compiling of different kinds, mainly: lilypond
syntactic errors, bar check errors, and octave errors.

I don't know how to proceed. I could try to identify and locate some of the
errors for you to correct, or I could try to modify the file myself and
send it back to you. But that's risky, because from some obvious mistakes,
I don't know how the correct output should be. Also people with better
knowledge of Lilypond could contribute. 

Some syntactic errors i found are: in line 397 you wrote G4 (capital letter
G) instead of lowercase g (lilypond is case sensitive), and you wrote
\partial 8 in every music variable. The manual says "The \partial command
should be used only at the beginning of a piece.", and lilypond complained
about it when compiling. I deleted all the extra \partials, and I return
you the file with only these two corrections.

In my opinion the next thing would be taking care of the numerous bar
check errors. For example, in line 348, beginning of cello part, you have:
g8( b d g4.) g,8( b d 4.g) |

perhaps you meant:
g8( b d g4.) g,8( b d g4.) |

There are many others, but I suspect some (many?) are related to \repeat
problems. Someone else already called your attention that in some
places you're using \repeat 1, which makes me think that you got it wrong:
the number is the *total* number of times the expression will appear. So if
you want something repeated once, you should write \repeat 2, because
that's the total number of times it will appear. So check your \repeats. 

Once the bar checks are solved and everything is in place we should look at
the octave problems.


%!TEX TS-program = Lilypond

#(set-global-staff-size 17)
\paper {
  indent = 3.0\cm  % space for instrumentName
  short-indent = 1.5\cm  % space for shortInstrumentName
{\time 12/8
\tempo 4. = 100
%flute section, 2 flutes

fluteMusic =
{ \relative c'  \key g \major

\repeat volta 2 {
\partial 8 d8 |
\repeat percent 1 {g4 d8 b a g } 
g4 b'8 c( b a) b4( g8) g4 a8 |
\repeat percent        2 { d8 a fis e d } |
d8( fis e) g( fis e) fis4( d8) d4 a8 |
b8( a b d b gis \grace a gis a) a4 g8 |
fis8 e fis f e f f4 e8 e a g |

{ \voiceOne
fis8( e fis) e( d e) d( a fis) d' a fis |

\new Voice
{ \voiceTwo
a4 a8  g4 g8 d a fis d' a fis |
r8 d8 d r8 d8 d r8 fis8 fis r8 d8 d |
r8 a8 a r8 a a fis4 fis8 e d cis |
d4 fis8 g( fis e) f4. r4 |

\repeat volta 2 {r8 |
 \new Voice
{ \voiceOne
d8( fis a d a fis)  d4.~ d4. |
\new Voice
{ \voiceTwo
d4.~ d4.~ d8 fis a d a fis |
f4. fis'8( e fis g) fis4.~ fis4 r8 | } } }

% Pitches as written on a manuscript for Clarinet in BFlat
% are transposed to concert pitch.
clarinetMusic = \transpose c' bes
  \relative c'' { \key g \major

{\repeat volta 2 {
r8 |
d4. r4. } d4. r4. |
g4 b'8 c8( b a) b4. r8 r8 r8 |
R1*12/8 |
d4. g8( fis e) fis4.~ fis4 r8 | 
b4. e4. a4. a4 g8 |
fis8 e d f( e f) f4. g4. |
a4 a8 g4 g8 fis4. fis4. |
\repeat volta 2 {r8 |
<d a>4. r4 <d a>4. r4 |
d4 fis8 g( fis e) fis4 d8 d4 r8 |
<a cis>4. r4. <a cis>4. r4. |
e4. cis d r4. |
b4. fis4. d4. d4. |
<d g>4. c8( cis b fis4.~ fis4. |
c4. cis8( b cis) d4.~ d4. |
<b d>4. r4. <fis a>4. r4. |
g4.~ g4.~ g4.~ g4 r8 |
g4.~ g4.~ g4.~ g4 r8 |
g4. d4. g4. r4 |

% for 2 trumpets
trumpetMusic = \relative c { \key g \major  \repeat volta 2 {
r8 |

r8 d8 d r8 d8 d r8 fis8 fis r8 d8 d |
r8 a8 a r8 a8 a <d fis>4 <d fis>8 d( d cis) |

{ \voiceOne
d4. fis8 g fis d4. r8 r8 |}
\new Voice
{ \voiceTwo
d4. a4. d

\repeat volta 2 {r8 |
r8 g8\ff \accent g r8 r8 g8\ff \accent g r8 b8\ff \accent b r8 b8\ff \accent b \accent |
r8 d8 \accent d r8 d8 \accent d r8 r8 <b d>8 a( g fis |
g4 <b d>8 c( b a) g4 r4 |
} }

%for 2 bassoons
bassoonMusic =

\relative c {
 \key g\major
\repeat volta 2 
{ r8 |
<g d>4. r4. <g d>4. r4. |
<g d>4. <d a> <g d> r4.|
<d a>4. r4. <d a>4. r4.  |
 d4 fis8( g fis e) d4.~ d4 r8 |
d'4. gis a cis |
 d4. a d r4. |
\repeat volta 1 {r8
d4. r4. d4. r4. |
d4. a'4. d8 fis a d4. |
g4. a4. d4.~ d4. |
d4.~ d4 ais4.~ ais4. |
b4. fis b b8( cis b) |
g2~ g2~ g2 |
g2~ g2~ g2 |
g1~ g2 |
g2~ g2~ g2 |
g4. d4. d4. r4. |} }

%for 2 oboes
oboeMusic =
\relative c'
{ \key g \major
\repeat volta 1 {
\repeat volta 1 {a8 |
<a d>4. a8 fis e d <a d>4. a8 fis e d |
d4 fis'8 g fis e fis4 d8 d4 e8 |
<e a>4. e8 cis b a <e a>4. e8 cis b a |
g'8 fis e  r8 \grace g8 fis e fis r8 d8 a |
b8 d g fis a cis d a fis d4 fis |
<fis b>4 fis8 d' cis b <cis fis>4 cis a gis fis |<fis b>4  fis'8 d d cis b <ais cis>4 fis8 e d cis |
{ \voiceOne
b8 ais b ais4. b fis d b4 d8 |}
\new voice
{ \voiceTwo
d4. cis b cis r2 r4 |
} >>
<d g>4  d'8 b a g <d g>4 a8 fis e d |
g8( a b) a( g fis) g(d b) g( d b) |R1*12/8*2
g4 b8 c( b a) g4. r4 |
} }

% Key signature is often omitted for horns
hornMusic = \transpose c' f
 \relative c 

\repeat volta 2 { d'8 |
 g4. r4. g4. r4. |
g4 b8 c( b a) b4 g8 g4. a |
d'4. r4. d4. r4. |
  d4. e fis d |
b4. b4. a8( gis a) a4 g |
{ \voiceOne fis8( e f) \grace f e f f4 e8 e a g |
\new Voice
{ \voiceTwo d4.~ d4 d4. cis |


fis4 e fis fis|
r8 d8 d fis d d r8 fis8 fis a fis fis |
{ \voiceOne
 a2.~\trill  a2.\trill |
d8  a g fis e d4. r8 r8 |
}\new Voice
{ \voiceTwo d8 a a d a a d4 d8 e d cis |
d4 fis8 g fis e d4 r8 r8 |
\repeat volta 2 { a'8 |
d4. r4. d4. r4. |
d4 fis8 g( fis e) d4.~ d4 d|
a4. r4. a4. r4. |<<
{ \voiceOne
g8( f g) r8 e8 g \grace g8 fis e fis c a |}
\new Voice
{ \voiceTwo d4. d4. d4. d4.|}
b'4. r4. b4. r4. |
b4. ais b r4| R1*12/8 |
r8 g8 g b g g r8 b8 b d b b |
r8 d8 d g d d r8 r8 <g b> a g fis |
g4 <b d>8 b c a g4 r4 }  }

percussionMusic = \relative c {
\key g \major \global

\repeat volta 2 {r8
g4. r4. g4. r4. |
g4. d g r4. |
d4. r4. d4. r4. |
d4. a d r4. |
d4.:64~ d4.:64~ d4.:64~ d4.:64 |
d4.:64~ d4.:64~ d4.:64~ d4.:64 |
d4. a, d r8 r8 | }
\repeat volta 2 {r8 |
d4. r4. d4. r4. |

d4. a, d r4 |
a4. r4. a4. r4. |
e4. cis d r4 |
g4. r4. d4. r4. |
b4. r4. ais4. r4. |
b4.\fff r4. fis4. r4. 
b4.\f r4. a4. r4. |
g4.\f r4. d' r4. |
g4. d' g r4. |
g4.:64~\p\> g4.:64~ g4.:64~ g4.:64 |
g4.:64~ g4.:64~
g4.:64\ff |
g4. d g r4 |

 } }
violinIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major \repeat volta 2 {
d'8 |
<g d b g>4 d'8 b a g <g, d b g>4 d'8 b, a g|
g4 b'8 c( b a) b4( g8) g4 a8 |
<d a fis d>8 a fis e d  <d a fis d>8 a fis e d |
d8( fis e) g( fis e) fis4( d8) d4 a8 |
b8 a b d b gis a gis a a4 g8 |
fis8 e fis f e f f4 e8 e a g |

{ \voiceOne
fis8( e fis) e( d e) d( a fis) d' a fis |

\new Voice
{ \voiceTwo
a4 a8  g4 g8 d a fis d' a fis |
r8 d8 d r8 d8 d r8 fis8 fis r8 d8 d |
r8 a8 a r8 a a fis4 fis8 e d cis |
d4 fis8 g( fis e) f4. r4 |
\repeat volta 2
{r8 |
<d a fis d>4. r4. <d a fis d>4. r4.  |
d4 fis'8 g fis e fis4 d8 d r8 |
b8( d g) fis( a cis) <d a fis d>4. <d a fis d>4. |
<b fis d b>4. r4 <fis cis ais>4. r4. |b4. a4. b4. b4. |<g d b g>4 d8 b, a g <d a fis>4. r4. g8( a b a g fis g d b g b d) |

violinIIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major

\repeat volta 2 {d'8 |
g'4 d8 b a g g'4 d8 b a g |
g'4. fis g4.~ g4. |
d'4 a8 fis, e d d'4 a8 fis e d |
d4 cis d r4. |
g fis g g4 gis  a4. g |
d4. d d cis |
r8 d8 d fis( d) d r8 fis8 fis a fis fis |
 d8 a a d( a) a d8 e fis e d cis |
 d4 a8 g( fis e) d4. r8 | }
 \repeat volta 2 {r8 |
 d'4 a8 fis e d d'4 a8 fis e d |
 d4. cis d cis |
 a'4 e8 cis, b a a'4 e8 cis b a |
g4. r4. d4. d4. |
b4 r4 cis r4 |
d4. cis b r4 d8 |<g=, g'>4. r4. <d d'>4. r4. b8( a b a g a g d b g b d) |
g4.~ g4.~ g4.~ g4.~ |
g4.~ g4.~ g4.~ g4. |
d4. r4. d4. r4. |
g4 d8( c b a) g4 r4 |


violaMusic = \relative c { \clef alto \key g \major \repeat volta 2 { r8 |
<g d b>4.^\markup "Arco, 2nd time Pizz." r4. <g d b> r4. |
 <g d b>4. <d a fis> <g d b> r4.|
d8( fis a d4.) d8( fis a d4.) |d4. a d fis |
g4. g fis cis |
d4. gis a cis, |
c4. cis c4.~ c4. |
<d a fis d>4 <a e cis> <d a fis d> r4 |
<d a>4. \accent <d a>4. \accent <d a>4. \accent <d a>4. \accent |
<d a>4. \accent <d a>4. \accent <d a>4. \accent <d a>4. \accent |
<d a>4 \accent <a e>4. \accent <d a> \accent r8 r8 |
\repeat volta 2 { r8 |
<d a fis>4. ^\markup "pizz, 2nd time, Arco." r4. <d a fis>4. r4. |
d4. fis8 g( fis e) fis4 d8 d4 e8 |
<a e cis>4. r4. <a e cis>4. r4. |
a,4. cis d r4. |
g='4. fis4. fis4~ fis4. |

} }
celloMusic = \relative c { \clef bass \key g \major 
\repeat volta 2 { r8 |
g8( b d g4.) g,8( b d 4.g) |
g,4. d' g r4.|
d, 8 fis a d4. d, 8 fis a d4. |
d,4. a' d4. r4. |
g4. g' fis cis |
d4. gis a cis |
d4. d4. d4. cis4. |
d4. a d d |
d4.^ \markup "pizz" d d d |
d4. d d d |
<d a>4.^ \markup "arco" <g a> <fis a> r8 r8 | }
\repeat volta 2 { r8 |
d8 fis a d4 r8 r8 d8 fis a d4 r8 r8 |
d4. a d r4. 
<a e a>4. r4. <a e a>4. r4. |
e4. cis d fis |
g4. a d d |
<b e b>4 fis f( cis b) fis'4. r4. |
<b d b'>4. r4. cis'4. r4. c4. cis b r4|
g,8 b d g8 r8 r8 d,8 fis a d8 r8 r8 |
d'( a b) a b fis g(d b) g( b d) |
g4.^\markup "with as heavy of an accent as you can give. Almost like a marcato." \accent  g4. \accent g4. \accent  g4. \accent |
g4.^\accent g4.^\accent g4.^\accent g4.^\accent |
g4. d g r4 |
} }
bassMusic = \relative c { \clef "bass_8" \key g \major 
\repeat volta 2 { r8 |
g,8( b d g4.) g,8( b d g4.) |
g,4. d' g r4.|
d, 8 fis a d4. d, 8 fis a d4. |
d,4. a' d4. r4. |
g4. g' fis cis |
d4. gis a cis |
d4. d4. d4. cis4. |
d4. a d d |
d4.^ \markup "pizz" d d d |
d4. d d d |
d4.^ \markup "arco" g fis a r8 r8 |
\repeat volta 2 { r8 |
d8 fis a d4 r8 r8 d8 fis a d4 r8 r8 |
d4. a d r4. 
a4. r4. a 4. r4. |
e4. cis d fis |
g4. a d d |
b4 fis f( cis b) fis'4. r4. |
b4. r4. cis'4. r4. c4. cis b r4|
g,8 b d g8 r8 r8 d,8 fis a d8 r8 r8 |
d'( a b) a b fis g(d b) g( b d) |
g4.^   \markup "with as heavy of an accent as you can give. Almost like a marcato." \accent  g4. \accent g4. \accent  g4. \accent |
g4.^ \accent g4.^ \accent g4.^ \accent g4.^ \accent |
g4. d g r4 |
} }


\score {
    \new StaffGroup = "StaffGroup_woodwinds" <<
      \new Staff = "Staff_flute" {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Flute"
        % shortInstrumentName, midiInstrument, etc.
        % may be set here as well
      \new Staff = "Staff_clarinet" {
        \set Staff.instrumentName =
        \markup { \concat { "Clarinet in B" \flat } }
        % Declare that written Middle C in the music
        %  to follow sounds a concert B flat, for
        %  output using sounded pitches such as MIDI.
        \transposition bes
        % Print music for a B-flat clarinet
        \transpose bes c' \clarinetMusic }
              \new Staff = "Staff_bassoon" {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bassoon"
        % shortInstrumentName, midiInstrument, etc.
        % may be set here as well

    \new StaffGroup = "StaffGroup_brass" <<
      \new Staff = "Staff_hornI" {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Horn in F"
        \transposition f
        \transpose f c' \hornMusic
      \new Staff = "Staff_trumpet" {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet in  C"
    \new RhythmicStaff = "RhythmicStaff_percussion" <<
      \set RhythmicStaff.instrumentName = #"Percussion"

       \new StaffGroup = "StaffGroup_strings" <<
      \new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_violins" <<
        \new Staff = "Staff_violinI" {
          \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin I"
        \new Staff = "Staff_violinII" {
          \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin II"
      \new Staff = "Staff_viola" {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Viola"
      \new Staff = "Staff_cello" {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Cello"
      \new Staff = "Staff_bass" {
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Double Bass"
  \layout { }

\version "2.16.2"
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