Am Mittwoch, den 15.05.2013, 08:18 -0400 schrieb Carl Peterson:
> I think this is what you're looking for on staff
> position: 

Thanks, I'll look better into this ...

> Regarding measure width, I looked
> here: 
>  It says there's no convenient way to do this. I'm thinking there might be a 
> way to use {\override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'padding = #10} on a 
> separate voice to achieve what you want.

I thought I had an idea to use \hspace in a \markup.
With a single staff only for the markups it works (i.e. if you comment
the \music line out of the following example).
But it doesn't work because obviously the \textLengthOn in the 'spacing'
variable also affects the 'music'.


spacing = {
  s1^\markup { | \hspace #15 | } 
  s1^\markup { \hspace #15 | } 
  s1^\markup { \hspace #15 | } 
  s1^\markup { \hspace #25 | } 

music = {
  \repeat unfold 16 c'4

\score {
    \new Dynamics \spacing
    \new Staff \music
> Cheers,
> Carl
> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 6:39 AM, Urs Liska <> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         is it possible at all to create a layout with absolute
>         positioning of
>         the score structure?
>         I.e. I would like to be able to position the staves absolutely
>         and set
>         an absolute width of each measure. It would be enough to have
>         a score
>         with one staff or rhythmic staff alone.
>         The idea is to create a LilyPond score that is overlaid over a
>         scanned
>         score.
>         Any ideas?
>         Urs
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