I'm having this problem repeatedly - in several scores

<< \stemDown

{a4\rest \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #2.0 a gis |} \\

{s4 b,2}


The " \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #2.0" has NO effect.

I'm using this polyphonic construct to split a voice briefly, in a multi-voice single staff score (classic guitar).

The shift is needed because a note is in a bad position relative to another voice. But I cannot seem to move it. The temporary polyphony construct seems to be the problem, as the override works fine otherwise.

I don't see this problem addressed in the documentation, and haven't yet found a fix.

Any ideas?

[My full, presently incomplete (still entering it) score is here <http://pastie.org/7926709>. The snippet above begins at l. 129.]



Tom Cloyd, MS MA
Cedar City / St. George, Utah, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
<< t...@tomcloyd.com >> (email) << TomCloyd.com >> (website)
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