2013/5/22 Florian Hollerweger <fhollerwege...@qub.ac.uk>

> Let's not be cynical about this: It was fully intentional,
Sorry to sound cynical. Now I looked up the M$ thingy in urbandictionary. I
wasn't aware of this, just thougt it was a typo.

I am starting to find this discussion rather entertaining :)
At least better than boring or annoying. ;)

> But I think I have found what I believe to be a structurally /and/
> typographically sound solution for this "problem" (it never seemed to be
> one before announcing the slides here).
I didn't think about problems with the slides. I just added ideas to
improve this Lilypond presentation.

> luis jure wrote:
>> anyway, i didn't bring this up, the discussion began with the use of the
>> term in florian's presentation (by the way, i found the presentation very
>> good).
> Agreed, the presentation is good. My comments are only nitpickings.

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