Op Sun, 19 May 2013 03:11:12 +0200 (CEST)
Gregory Heytings <g...@sdf.org> schreef:

> Hi list,
> Is it possible to automatically left align the first word of multiple
> line lyrics ?  By default the lyrics are all centered under the note,
> which is okay in most situations, but perhaps not optimal for the
> first word of a staff.  For example, the words "Ccc", "Cc" and "C"
> are centered under the c note with the following code:
> \score {
>    \new Staff <<
>      \new Voice = A { \relative c' { c d e f } }
>      \new Lyrics \lyricsto A { Ccc ddd eee fff }
>      \new Lyrics \lyricsto A { Cc dd ee ff }
>      \new Lyrics \lyricsto A { C d e f }
>    >>
> }
> I know that it is possible to move a particular word by hand with
> "\once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #...".  This solution
> is however not only painful to type in, but its result is also most
> often only approximately correct.

I have done that in our new dutch hymn book, the "Liedboek".

Using a music function and the \applyOutput command I set the X-offset
property and the extra-spacing-width property on every LyricText event
that coincides with a \break, and also on the first LyricText event.

We also made the LeftEdge object indefinitly high, so we could force
the lyrics at a certain distance from the start of the staff line, and
also have the first note of every line at the same spot. The other
lyrics are centered.

(For the single-voice hymns we used ragged-right = ##t but wit a fixed
width on the StaffSymbol so we got nice looking church hymns. And we
used a function based on the alignGrob idea from LSR to position the
final barline neatly to the right.)

It is complicated just now to paste the code how we did it, because
everything is so intermingled, but I'll show it later on in a nice
writeup. We wrote many functions that read custom variables from the
paper or layout blocks (using ly:output-def-lookup), so we got a very
flexible layout.

Best regards,

Wilbert Berendsen

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