>> Thanks.  *Very* kludgy.
> No, not at all.  The RemoveEmptyStaves feature was intended to be
> adjusted in that way, so the solution in that snippet is a safe and
> direct way to avoid removing staves when you don't want them
> removed.  It will not break at the next LilyPond version or
> interfere with anything else.

But it is a *manual* solution, severely limiting the choices of
lilypond to find a good layout.  Your point of view is: `Don't remove
this staff at that very place.'  Mine is: `Don't create pages with bad
layout if it can be avoided.'

> Doing what you want requires compiling twice: once to see where only
> one system fits on a page, then place \once\showMultiRests and
> compile again.

Yes, it seems to be the only solution right now.  However, just
imagine that I have to insert a bar: I would then have to disable all
`\once\showMultiRests' commands, check what lilypond produces, then
re-insert these commands at the proper places, which might be
completely different locations.  This *is* kludgy. :-)

What prevents Lilypond to do this automatically?  I want an option
that staves are only removed if there are at least two systems on a
page.  A second pass over the full score should be quite cheap, if
really necessary, since line breaks are already done.


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