I've noticed for awhile that the mi shaped notehead is wider than the other
shaped noteheads. This creates some rather unattractive misalignments when
stacked with the "do" notehead, for instance:

\relative c' { \key c \major \aikenHeads <c e>1 <c e>2 <c e>4 }

I don't really know much about Metafont or compiling the fonts, but I was
looking through some of the mf source code and I noticed that all the other
solfa noteheads have code like this:

save do_weight;
do_weight := 2;

But for the mi notehead, this code appears:

save mi_weight, mi_width;
mi_weight := 2;
mi_width := 1.2;

Why is there a "mi_width" variable being used here when not in the other
shape definitions? In all the other examples of shaped notes I have, the
noteheads are the same width, regardless of shape, and the do and mi
noteheads touch points.

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