DW <jdmusictuit...@gmail.com> writes:

> That's what I'm referring to (if I am understanding you correctly).
> If I want information on barlines I should go to BARLINES, not
> Learning>Barlines or Usage>Barlines or Notation>Barlines or
> Snippets>Barlines. Just BARLINES.

If you want extensive information, you go to the Notation manual.  If
the table of contents does not have an obvious entry, take the index.

Relevant snippets will be cross-referenced from the entry in the
notation manual.

> Never mind various manuals for different version numbers added on top
> of that.

Why would you be searching manuals for different version numbers?

> It's not that having all those manuals is necessarily a bad thing, it
> is just that there should really be a central repository organised
> along musical concept lines for the average user.

That's the notation manual.

> The same sort of thing applies to splitting the information by genre,
> not bad in principle, but in practice it becomes a nightmare to
> navigate really quickly no matter how well you care to index it.

Have you actually tried using the index?  Or is this theoretical?  If
you tried using the index, could you point out why it was deficient for
finding the information you were looking for?

David Kastrup

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