Hi everyone.  It's been a while!

Okay, here's the structure of a song I'm typesetting:


\version "2.17.20"

\paper {
  indent = 0
  line-width = #80
  tagline = ##f

\layout {
  \context {
    \override RehearsalMark.font-size = #-3
    \override RehearsalMark.font-shape = #'italic
    \override RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
    \override RehearsalMark.outside-staff-priority = #100
    \override RehearsalMark.break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible

\relative c'' {
  \repeat volta 3 { \tempo "Refrain" c1 }
  \alternative {
    { c \mark "to Verses" \bar "||" }
    { c \mark "to Coda" \bar "||" \break }
  \tempo "Verses" c \mark "to Refrain" \bar ":|." \break
  \tempo "Coda" c \bar "|."



1) How do I get the right vertical edges of the volta
spanners to print when I've overridden the bar type at those
moments?  They only seem to print when there's a repeat bar
in the staff.

2) Is there a more appropriate repeat/alternative construct
for this structure where I wouldn't have to override so many
bar lines?

3) I'm abusing the \tempo command as if it were \mark,
otherwise there's a conflict between end-of-line marks and
beginning-of-line marks.  Is there any way to enter 2
RehearsalMark's before and after a single bar?  I wish there
were commands like \markBeforeBar and \markAfterBar to
facilitate these awkward situations.  Maybe I'll request
that feature if no one has a better idea...

- Mark
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