should you use \oneVoice instead!?


Am 01.07.2013 23:44, schrieb Guy Stalnaker:

I noticed something odd in a recent arrangement I helped a friend with. In two places the voices split into divisi (once in the upper two parts, m.3 in the example, and once in the lower two parts a few measures after the first time. m. 12-13 in the example). We used the temp polyphonic context (TPC) to set notes/lyrics. But immediately after the TPC rests are no longer set correctly, being too high on the staff. In all four instances \voiceOne *is* indicated following the TPC and \voiceOne \voiceTwo are used in the TPC.

It looks like the rests are being set for an upper voice as if two voices were still being set on the same staff. See the attached .ly file for a snippet of what I mean. I had to use the commented /override to get the rests back to the staff-centered position.

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