John Kliewe <> writes:

> Many thanks to the lilypond-user group for their advice on measure #47
> of the Chopin Nocturne #3 (Op 9 No 3). Urs' article on voices was
> particularly helpful.
> My next challenge appeared in measure #69. This is working for me :
> \version "2.16.0"
> \relative c'
> { \clef treble
> \time 6/8
> \key b \major
> ais'4.\p \once \override Slur #'stencil = ##f \appoggiatura {b8[\( ais
> gisis ais]} 
> << 
> {dis4 b8} 
> \new Voice 
> {\stemUp 
> \once \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f 
> \once \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f 
> \times 1/2 
> {dis8 \teeny d cis c} 
> \normalsize b8} 
> >>
> \oneVoice
> ais4 gis8\)
> }
> At first I assumed that both tuplets were appoggiatura, but I couldn't
> get that to work. I also tried cue notes, but merging the head of a
> cue note with a full-size note head was no good either. So my final
> version (above) treats the first tuplet as an appoggiatura, but the
> second is a new voice in a smaller font.
> I'm delighted with the results. But I do wonder if anyone in the group
> thinks I may have missed a better approach?

Not better, but another possible way:

\version "2.16.0"
\relative c'
{ \clef treble
\time 6/8
\key b \major
ais'4.\p \once \override Slur #'stencil = ##f \appoggiatura {b8[\( ais
gisis ais]} 
{dis4 b8} 
\new Voice 
{ dis8*1/2[ \teeny d cis c} 
\normalsize b8]} 
ais4 gis8\)

David R

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