2013/8/2 Robert Honoré <robert.hon...@gmail.com>

> Please find attached lilypond_debug_log.txt and craptastic-1.ly.

I can compile it on linux using version 2.16.2
I get a warning about encoding of file:

craptastic-1.ly <0>: warning: non-UTF-8 input

composer = "Robert Honor


In fact it's:

$ file craptastic-1.ly

craptastic-1.ly: ISO-8859 text, with CRLF line terminators

The other warning is:

warning: cannot find or create new `staff'


you should write

\new Staff

(instead of \new staff)

Finally, you should insert \global inside themeOne.

Can you compile the attached file?

Attachment: craptastic.ly
Description: Binary data

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