On 11/08/13 8:09 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
So far, I don't see that SMuFL is more than calling a particular choice a standard. You could equally well say "why isn't Steinberg picking up the Emmentaler standard?". SMuFL is a font layout. Saying "it will be good to start thinking how LilyPond font handling can benefit from a font layout" makes precious little sense since obviously we _have_ a font layout.
SmuFL is a _proposed_ standard, seeking to gain acceptance if it has merit. I have not seen Emmentaler being proposed as an industry standard (perhaps it has been?) So it goes further than just Steinberg's format for their application. It is being posited as something that can be shared. Obviously there is political benefit in this for Steinberg being seen to be creating and promoting standards, but there is technical benefit as well. I'm aware that lilypond has fairly deep font complexities - isn't that the point, to help unify the approach to music fonts, with one goal in mind of allowing the _engraver_ to have more choice? There is discussion of what is the benefit to lilypond, but shouldn't that be rephrased and cached in terms of what is the benefit to the users of the program? So David, what is the most important area that needs tackling re font handing in lilypond, and where do the main difficulties lie? Why is it so hard to offer more fonts for lilypond? What are the technical obstacles.


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