On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Richard Shann <richard.sh...@virgin.net>wrote:

> here is your problem. You are hoping that the timing of your keypress
> could be interpreted and a duration of note estimated from it. Such
> systems have been tried many times, and are offered by programs that
> don't care if you succeed or not, as long as you buy the program. They
> don't work because of the subtleties of timing, rests and notation
> (consider, 1/4 note tied to 1/8 note is the same duration as dotted 1/4
> note).
> Well, I would like to be proved wrong; the moment you hear of a way of
> doing it I promise I will implement it in Denemo: everything is there
> just waiting for someone to invent the algorithm.

ICBW, but I think that *usually*, 4. vs 4~8 depends on the context and the
time signature. For instance, I was told to break and tie notes if they
cross the midline of a duple or quadruple measure (so "c4 c4. c8 c4" would
be written as "c4 c4~c8 c8 c4" in 4/4 and "c8 d e4 f8 g" as "c8 d e~e f g"
in 6/8), but there are others that are largely stylistic (such as whether
to break a quarter note if it crosses any beat at all).

One option would be to have a MIDI-entry mode and notate based on actual
durations (i.e., notate a 4. if that was what was played), then present it
to the user to review with a popup of some sort to allow for alternate
notations (e.g., show c4~c8 or c8~c4 [depending on where the beat is] as an
alternate to c4.) before entering into the score proper.

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