Hi Thomas,
Thanks; it works like a charm* until I need a page break; right now its
just crowding everything on one page. I put it a \pageBreak and nothing
happened, so I'm guessing that lilypond won't break simultaneous music
over a page (makes sense). Any overrides for this?
*works like a charm except for your \override VerticalAxisGroup command,
which I'm not super familiar with (looks right to me). Won't compile
with it, will compile without it.
wasn't planning on bringing back 19th century guitar fingering notation,
but now that you mention it... =)
Thanks again,
On 08/13/2013 07:56 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:
2013/8/14 <k...@kalegood.com <mailto:k...@kalegood.com>>
I see that lilypond supports a cool-looking No. glyph, which is
great. I'd like to get in in front of each stave in order to
number a series of exercises. See attached png for an example.
I'm working on making a version of Giuliani's 120 right hand
studies for clasical guitar.
I've typesetted the first two exercises of your png, though without
This should give you a starting-point.
Btw, I hope you are _not_ going to rebuild these fossil
right-hand-fingering-symbols. ;)
\version "2.17.24"
\layout {
ragged-right = ##f
\context {
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
\override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
\context {
\override VerticalAxisGroup.default-staff-staff-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 12)
(minimum-distance . 7)
(padding . 1))
\context {
\override SystemStartBar #'stencil = ##f
\new Staff \with { instrumentName = "N° 3" }
\new Voice
\relative c' {
\bar ".|:"
\repeat volta 2 {
\tupletSpan 4
\times 2/3 {
c8 e' c e, e'c g e' c c, e' c
b, f'' d d, f' d g, f' d b, f'' d
<e, g c e>1
\bar "|."
\new Voice
\relative c' {
c4 e g c,
b d g b,
\new Staff \with { instrumentName = "N° 4" }
\new Voice
\relative c' {
\bar ".|:"
\repeat volta 2 {
\tupletSpan 4
\times 2/3 {
c8 e g e g c g c e c, c' e
b, d g d g d' g, d' f b,, d' f
<e, g c e>1
\bar "|."
\new Voice
\relative c' {
c4 e g c,
b d g b,
Kale Good: Guitar Instructor
phillyguitarlessons.com <http://phillyguitarlessons.com>
k...@kalegood.com <mailto:k...@kalegood.com>
phone: (215)260-5383
* 4705 Baltimore Ave, Phila, PA 19143 -mailing & lessons
* 1867 Frankford Ave. Phila, PA 19125 -lessons
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Facebook <http://facebook.com/KaleGoodGuitarStudio>
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