Consider the following minimal example:

/\version "2.17.20"

fluteOne = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 2 { c'8 d e f g2 | R1*8 } }
fluteTwo = \fluteOne

\score {
        \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flutes" }
                { \compressFullBarRests \partcombine \fluteOne \fluteTwo }

If two instruments are playing in unison for a long while, and continue to
do so even following a multi-measure rest, I want a reminder 'a2' to be
printed where they resume (i.e. in the 3rd bar of the example). In a large
orchestral score, it is useful to have reminders even if they are
technically superfluous, especially when the second one is on a different
page. I need a function that effectively says "Take whatever the previous
CombineTextScript said, and reprint it at the given location"

I have tried explicitly inserting /partcombineUnisono/ or turning
/printPartCombineTexts/ off then immediately on again, in an attempt to jolt
Lilypond into forgetting any prevailing "a2" status, but with no luck. A
'messy' last-resort would be for me to go through the entire score (hundreds
of pages) and insert manual pieces of "a2" text markup tagged so that they
only showed up in the score, not the parts. Surely there is a more automatic
way than this?

Thanks, everyone!


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