On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Eluze <elu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ted Walther wrote
> > Another problem with that snippet is the amount to drop.  With a good
> > centering command, it is centered.  But if I alter the font size, etc,
> the
> > amount of raising and dropping needed to center the lyrics will alter.
> > How
> > can I predict that without a lot of kludgy code?  Again, I'm generating
> > lilypond code from templates.  I can compensate for some complexity, but
> > the simpler the better.
> it would be easier to talk about a real example - can you provide a scan or
> similar of what you'd like to get!?
> thanks
> Eluze

See the refrain in http://www.hymnary.org/page/fetch/WASH1957/264/low for
an example of what Ted's talking about.
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