SoundsFromSound wrote Thursday, August 22, 2013 11:40 PM

Hi Ben

> I wanted to let you all know that I recently uploaded some LilyPond tutorial
> videos on YouTube. I worked really hard on them and did the best I could
> considering the recording equipment I had available.

This is great work!  A very professional introduction to LilyPond and
Frescobaldi.  It deserves a link from the LilyPond site, IMO.

> A huge thanks to all those who helped create the documentation for LilyPond.
> Much of the content in my videos came directly from the extensive help
> files, so thank you all for that wonderful resource.

:)  Nice to be appreciated.

> If you'd like to read my blog post about these LilyPond videos, here is the
> link:
> To go straight to the YouTube Playlist:

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